I experience an internal journey through my feelings, through my most private secrets; through the mystery of the hidden reason that creates my interior harmony, my contact with others and nature...
This series was born out of the need I have to express my feelings through my painting. At the moment when my being enters in direct contact with the canvas and paint, I experience an internal journey through my feelings, through my most private secrets; through the mystery of the hidden reason that creates my interior harmony, my contact with others and nature; or it can also be the arcane or concealed thing that I can’t understand or explain, but that is the motive and strength of my deepest inspiration which can only be expressed through each brush stroke, each outline, each color, and each texture of my work.
It is because of all of the above that in this series I considered very important to include the natural element of sand, that for me represents the harmony of our soul when one is in contact with nature; and in doing so, I have always in mind that each work is a live piece in which feelings, thoughts, wishes and dreams, are as pure and real as the harshness of each grain of sand that can be felt when it slides in our hands.
“Mystikós and Sand”…the mystic (from the greek verb myein, “to close” from the mystics, closed, arcane and mysterious), is the purest expression of my sould where natural, mystic and spiritual factors converge, and from where each work is born and takes us to the world of the known and the unknown.” “Esta serie de obras surgió de la necesidad que siento de expresar mis sentimientos a través de la pintura; es en ese momento cuando mi ser entra en contacto directo con el lienzo y la pintura, es ahí cuando se inicia el recorrido interior por mis sentimientos, por el secreto más reservado; por el misterio o la razón oculta que provocan mi armonía interior, mi contacto con los otros y la naturaleza; o puede ser también la cosa arcana o muy recóndita que no puedo comprender o explicar, pero que son motivo y fuerza para mi inspiración más profunda, y ésta solo puedo expresarla a través de cada pincelada, de cada trazo, de cada color, de cada textura en mi obra.