Ludivine is color, expression, strength, sensuality, light, feelings, transformation, life, dreams, spirituality; each reflected on the canvas with its own and unique surrounding light.
Ludivine is the name of the series of her latest work. The artist expresses, in relation to this series: “To me, art is the light of my life and that light is a Divine Light or Luz Divina, in Spanish.”
This name comes after analyzing the meaning that painting has in my life, and I can say that it is the “light” because, even in the darkest moments of my painting it has been the light that continues to shine in my way…
Ludivine is the expression of the freedom of being; being alive which means being in constant motion and not giving up. Hidden meanings that want to convey us a message through suggestive movements that lead the imagination to different times or moments of our lives.
Ludivine is color, expression, strength, sensuality, light, feelings, transformation, life, dreams, spirituality; each reflected on the canvas with its own and unique surrounding light.
Ludivine arises from the need to express to the world that it’s time to get moving; it’s time to add some color to all the gray that is around us; that we do not need to make big movements to achieve meaningful changes. These may be suggestive movements but full of life, strength, dreams, desire, sensuality, expression, spirituality, but we need to express ourselves; it is time to fill our lives with colors so we can help change the attitude of many who are in the lethargy of life and we can only succeed if we put ourselves in motion, but mostly illuminated with a divine light.
My previous series (Mil Ventanas al Cambio – A Thousand Windows to Change – 2010), was a call to the conscience of all, of the effects of climate change. I am sure that to more than one person this subject has touched his or her life in order to contribute to environmental conservation.
Movement & Color
Today my call is to not stand by without taking action; quite the contrary: to be full of movement and filled with color, in order to bring color to the lives of others and the lives of all beings in our Planet.